I was folding clothes when a piece of paper came flying through the window and fell at my feet. As I picked it up, I saw it had something written on it. This immediately aroused my curiosity. The paper read, “Behind the forest, where the failed attempt to scrape the sky.”
I would have thrown it away, but then I saw a note on the side that caught my attention.
“Luke 9:11.”
I looked the verse up on the Internet: “But the crowds learned about it and followed him.”
My findings got me all keyed up at the thought of having chanced upon a treasure map. I had planned to spend the next day with my friend not doing much of anything but decided last minute to urge her to embark on an adventure with me.
“Hi! How are you, Tina? How have you been?” she greeted me over the phone.
“Good, thanks! Emma, I called to tell you about something strange that just happened to me.” For a second I balked at revealing my secret.
“Don’t hold back. I want to know it all,” she chimed in with ...Read more